Registration - if you'd like to be a new member, please visit Registration to be put on a waiting list.
Always check the website home page on the day of play for any possible delays due to weather!
RIDGEFIELD GOLF COURSE The Golf Course membership and the RLGA membership are two separate fees. In addition to joining RLGA, you may also decide to join the Ridgefield Golf Course as a resident or non-resident to take advantage of the reduced greens fees. The golf course offers a tiered membership fee structure with plenty of options. Please check the website at or call the golf course (748-7008) for information.
FRANK SERGIOVANNI, our Golf Pro/ Course Manager, helps with our major tournaments and will continue to offer drop-in, group clinics for women on Thursday mornings for all golfing levels. The format and times are TBD. If there is demand, he will also offer special clinics for new golfers to get them ready to play in the league contests.
RLGA LEAGUES: Open to women golfers from any town! Our 9-hole League is for golfers of all levels of experience and play. Our 18-hole League is for golfers with an established GHIN (handicap index) of 40 or less (see HANDICAPS). Play begins at the first course tee time on Tuesday morning, with the 9 hole following the 18 hole league. There are arranged groups and tee times and different contests or tournaments every week. Sign up to play as many weeks as your schedule allows. Once signed up, you will play in the weekly contest. You must complete the round to qualify for placement and prizes.
SCORECARDS AND POSTING: (see TOURNAMENTS- SCORE POSTING) All posting of scores will be done by the Tournment Chairs from the scorecards turned in at the end of your round. Scores should not be posted to GHIN by players for league play.
2024 SEASON PLAY: April 23 – October 29 A schedule and description of the different weekly contests and tournaments is posted before the season starts.(see TOURNAMENTS – WEEKLY SCHEDULE).
RLGA RULES (See RLGA RULES) : USGA and local rules govern all play. Also, to keep the pace of play reasonable, RLGA encourages “Ready Golf” in weekly contests differs from the classic golf/tournament etiquette of tee-off “honors”, farthest away hits first, etc. Players should be responsible for knowing all the material listed in these sections!
February 1-28 . . . . . . . Registration period for current members
April 9 . . . . . . . New Member Orientation
April 23 . . . . . . . OPENING DAY of League play
April 30 . . . . . . . Thelma/Louise & Lucy/Ethel Match play sign up deadline
May 14 . . . . . . . Charity Day (Rain date 5/21)
TBD . . . . . . . SCWGA play at Ridgefield Golf Course
June 4 . . . . . . . Mix & Mingle Combined Leagues Tournament - Shotgun and Luncheon
July 16 & 23 . . . . . . . President’s Cup (2 day “ringer” – count best of 2 scores on each hole) Rain Date July 30th
October 29 . . . . . . . Last Day of play
Nov. 5 . . . . . . . Year End Luncheon