The RLGA always welcomes new players to join our league.  Beginning golfers should register to play in the 9 hole league, where they will be able to enjoy learning the rules and etiquette of golf in a relaxed setting. In 2025, we currently have a wait list for new members. Please email Michele Smith below to be put on the waiting list.

Experienced golfers who are new to our league, may register for 9 or 18 holes, depending on ability and preference. Only those with an existing GHIN of 40 or less may register for the 18 hole league.

All newly registered members will be contacted by the registration chairperson soon after their registration information is processed.


If you are considering joining the league, but would like to speak to someone before committing, please contact our Registration Chairperson, Melissa La Reau. She may be reached at or
(203) 856-4831. Alternate contact person: Jennifer Abercrombie, co-president: