Signing up means you are committing to play on a Tuesday!

Tee times and especially playing groups will be mixed throughout the season, to foster members getting acquainted with each other. However, players that have difficulty with the necessary pace of play and “ready golf” guidelines, will be assigned to the later tee times.

Request for times or partners will be considered, but not on a regular basis.  If you have a special request, please note it when you sign up to play.


First, check the weekly contest schedule description to confirm that it is a format you want to play.  Remember that  there is no “open play” or opting out of the format.

We use Golf Genius to sign up for weekly tee times. You will receive a Weekly Round Invitation email on Wednesday, 6 days before the designated Tuesday league date. You can either accept or decline to play via the email invitation and must do so before the due date mentioned in the email. You will receive an email immediately after making your choice.  If you do not respond at all to the Golf Genius Weekly Round invite, you will automatically be listed as Not Playing. 

Once you have made your selection to play or not via the link in the Golf Genius Weekly Round email invite, there will be a chance to select the link to send a message to the tee time manager, if needed. There may be a rare instance in which you will be placed on a waiting list as the league is limited to 60 players each Tuesday.


Everyone that has signed up to play will receive a second email on the weekend before Tuesday play with tee times/pairings.  You may also check the tee times via Golf Genius (once on the Golf Genius website, click on Tee Sheets and then click on the Date tab to see the tee times and pairings for that date):
                                                         18 Hole Players
                                                           9 Hole Players

Any future changes can be addressed with info in the confirmation email up to the Friday before the date of play. See info on Cancellations Page if you need to cancel after Friday prior to Tuesday golf. 

Players may contact the tee time managers with questions concerning the Weekly Round Invitation process by using the following email links:


18 Holes - Robyn Peters  <>

9 Holes - Jane Singhal  <>